Simple Plan...:-*
Tak tady je menší historie Simple Plan!
Znají se spolu dese let (tedy kromě Davida)!!! Chodili spolu na střední školy. Tehdy měl Pierre a Chuck svou kapelu Reset se kterou se jim podařilo vydat desku. Chuck v ní vydržel asi tři roky, poté dal přednost škole, nicméně s muzikou koketovat nepřestal. Časem se dal dohromady s Jeffem a rozjeli nový projekt. Jenomže jim chyběl kytarista a zpěvák . Naštěstí byl Sebastien(Seb) volný a bydlel nejblíž, a tak se rozhodli pro něj.V té době Pierre nebyl ve skupině Reset spokojený a rozhodl se že z ní odejde.Ale kam ??? No přece ke klukům do nové vznikající partičky! V Reset Pierra chvíli zastupoval David,ale i ten nakonec zběhnul.Sestava - Pierre,Chuck,Jeff,David a Sebastien byla kompletní ale chybělo jim jméno.To jim dalo sice zabrat ale i o jeho vzniku vyprávějí novinářům zábavnou historku. Už na střední měli plán že nechtějí skončit jako šedé myši někde v kanceláři nebo dělat něco co je nebaví. Naopak - toužili se skupinou jezdit po světě, koncertovat , získávat nové přátele. Byl to jednoduchý plán.A když se do puntíku splnil nebylo co řešit - pojmenovali se Simple Plan.
A pár zajímavůstek!
- Chuck, Jeff, Pierre a Seb chodili na stejnou střední školu - Beaubois High School in Montreal, Canada
- 4 z 5 kluků stále žije v domě se svými rodiči
- když se zblázní, nadávají francouzsky
- všichni kluci jsou Kanaďané a mluví francouzsky
- Pierre, Seb a Jeff mají tetování
- Jeff a Seb mívali dlouhé vlasy
- milují dárky
- 29. listopadu 2002 Simple Plan tour bus havaroval na cestě do Chicaga. Naštěstí skupina byla v pořádku a neutrpěli žádná vážná zranění.
- Na živém vystoupení v Electric Christmas Show 2002 při písničce Addicted Jeff hrál na kytaru pro leváky
- Skupina byla skoro zabita elektrickým proudem na fotce, kde byli ve vaně. Můžeš ji vidět v leporelu "No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls"
- 14. listopadu v New Orleans skupina poprvé vystupovala bez jednoho člena, protože Pierrovi bylo špatně. David pak po celou show zpíval všechny vokály.
- Mark Hoppus řekl Simple Plan, že by měli se měli pojmenovat "One Legged Duck" ("Jedna Běžící Kachna")
- V tour busu kluci dávají přednost mluvení francouzsky
- Pierrova učitelka francouzštiny jemu a Chuckovi řekla, že by si měli půjčit školní nástroje a přihlásit se jako skupina na show školních talentů
- Nebere je hokej
- Pierre a Chuck hrávali na klavír
- David a Pierre skatují. David ale už ne, protože říká, že se při tom hodně zraní
- "Role Model" je Pierrova, Patova a Chuckova oblíbená značka oblečení
- Pat a Chuck udělali SP DVD "A Big Package For You"
- Pat se stará o SP web a obchod
Ježiš, jak to tam ten David stojí!
A kde mají Jeffa?!
Tady sou nějaký ty texty..:)
Shut up!
There you go
You´re always so right,
It´s all a big show,
It´s all about you,
You think you know,
What everyone needs
You always take time to criticize me...
It seems like everyday
I make mistakes,
I just can´t get it right..
It´s like I´m the one
You love to hate
But not today...
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don´t want to hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You´ll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down(nnnnn)
There you go
You never ask why (Unicin)
It´s all a big lie (Unicin)
Whatever you do
You think your special..
But I know, and I know, and I know, and we know
That you´re not
You´re always there to point... out my mistakes
And shove them in my face
It´s like I´m the one you love to hate
But not today...
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don´t want to hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You´ll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
(Shut up, shut up, shut up)
Is gonna bring me down(nnnnn)
(Shut up, shut up, shut up)
You´ll never bring me down(nnnnn)
Don´t tell me who I should be(eeeee)
(Don´t tell me who I should be)
And don´t try to tell me what´s right for me
Don´t tell me what I should do(oooo)
I don´t want to waste my time
I´ll watch you fade away(yyyy)...
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don´t wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You´ll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down(nnnn)
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Don´t wanna hear it
Get up, get up, get up
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You´ll never stop me
Nothing you say
Is gonna bring.. me.. down
Bring me down(nnnn)
(Shut up, shut up, shut up)
Won´t bring me down(nnnn)
Bring me down(nnnn)
(Shut up, shut up, shut up)
Won´t bring me down(nnnn)
Shut up, shut up, shut up
know a girl whos obsessed with a guy
she talks for hours and still tomorrow
she´ll call again and when he thinks that this could be the end,
she calls again
at six in the morning she waits at the door
he tells her to leave but still tomorrow shell be ther again
she wont let go
cant you just go somewhere on vacation?
i could book your flight
and pack your bags
if you want
a one way ticket out of my life
watching you fly away
i never liked you
she dosent care if he trys to ignore
he runs away but still she follows
shell try again
she likes to think shell get him in the end
cant you just go somewhere on vacation?
i could book your flight
and pack your bags
if you want
a one way ticket out of my life
watching you fly away
i never liked you
i never wanted you
i never liked you
i never wanted you, whoa
cant you just go somewhere on vacation?
i could book your flight
and pack your bags
if you want
a one way ticket out of my life
watching you fly away
i never liked you
i never wanted you
i never liked you
im not in love with you
My Alian
I´m sick of being alone, when are you coming home?
Just a glimpse of your face
I can remember smelling your hair, I´ll meet you anywhere
Somewhere that no one can retrace
Somewhere where nobody will know our faces
She has two arms to hold me and
Four legs to wrap around me
She´s not your typical girlfriend
She´s my alien
She´s my alien
She knows when something is wrong, when something doesn´t belong
She can read in my mind
And she can be assured that with me, there is no conspiracy
Shes not wasting her time
She can take me to the place that she calls home,
in a spaceship that will someday be my own
Please take me to your leader
Tell her I will surrender
I will surrender
She has two arms to hold me and
Four legs to wrap around me
She´s not your typical girlfriend
She´s my alien
(My alien)
My alien
(My alien)
My alien
(My alien)
My alien
(My alien)
She has two arms to hold me and
Four legs to wrap around me
She´s not your typical girlfriend
She has two arms to hold me and
Four legs to wrap around me
She´s not your typical girlfriend
(She´s my alien)
I bought the astronauts kit
Now all I need´s a rocket
(my alien)
My love, intergalactic friend
She´s my alien
My Christmas List
Santa is coming tonight
And I want a car, and I want a life
And I want a first class trip to Hawaii
I want a lifetime supply
Of skittles & slurpees and Eskimo pies
I want a DVD,
A big screen TV
Just bring me things that I don´t need
´Cuz now it´s Christmas
And I want everything
I just can´t wait
So don´t stop spending
I want a million gifts, that´s right
Don´t forget my Christmas list tonight
´Cuz now it´s Christmas
Somebody take me away
Or give me a time machine
To take me straight to midnight
I´ll be alright
I want a girl in my bed
Who knows what to do
A PlayStation 2
I want a shopping spree
In New York City
Just bring me things that I don´t need
I wish I could take this day
And make it last forever
And no matter what I get tonight
I want more
It´s Christmas and I want everything
I just can´t wait
It´s Christmas and I want everything now
And I want everything
I just can´t wait
So don´t stop spending, I
Want a million gifts,
That´s right
And I can´t wait ´til midnight so
Don´t forget my Christmas list tonight
´Cuz now it´s Christmas
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I´m wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I´m never gonna be good enough for you
I can´t pretend that I´m alright
And you can´t change me
Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Now it´s just too late
And we can´t go back
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don´t care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I´m never gonna be good enough for you
I can´t stand another fight
And nothing´s alright
Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Now it´s just too late
And we can´t go back
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Nothing´s gonna change the things that you said
Nothing´s gonna make this right again (right again)
Please don´t turn your back
I can´t believe it´s hard just to talk to you
But you don´t understand (you don´t understand)
Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Now it´s just too late
And we can´t go back
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect
Now it´s just too late
And we can´t go back
I´m sorry I can´t be perfect